

My life used to be pretty simple. I wanted to be a video store clerk and be the person known for knowing every bit of trivia about Tina Fey and James Franco. Things hit a brick wall when I went to a college fair my freshman year of high school and found out just how expensive college really was. You mean you have to pay to use to library and student services? What? Anyways, my problems were quickly fixed when I found out my high school offered an early college start program. I started taking college classes at 15, accumulating 44 credit hours by the time I graduated high school.
I knew taking college classes in high school would help me get my degree faster. My goal at the time (and still is) was to have a throughout understanding of the broadcast industry. Writing ad copy, news scripts, making graphics and doing other multimedia stuff sounded good to me. Joss Whedon (creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Mark Duplass (mumblecore film), and Kristen Wiig (Bridesmaids) and Aubrey Plaza (Parks and Recreation) are my career models. “[Television] is the place,”-Joss Whedon. It allows for constant development, learning, and understanding.


I like to know about what goes on inside movie/tv and media productions. I look over box office reports and sales of movies, examine marketing plans, and see what makes a hit movie. Architecture is an interest I take on in my free time. When I was seven I drew up a full floorplan (with dimensions) of my dream house that included lots of slides.

I have a weird interest in watching obscure indie films (usually mumblecore films). I like films that utilize improv and script outlines versus standard screenplays. Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Parks and Recreation are my go to shows right now.
My favorite movies include

I also act from time to time. I was recently in a movie called Bloody Homecoming (2013), cast as a football player.Here is a picture of me age 70.

old colin